We are highlighting individual zoning codes to make zoning in Metro Vancouver more accessible to the public! This week features C-3 in the Village of Anmore.

Horse girls unite! 

The C-3 zone in Anmore is a very quirky zone in Metro Vancouver. The zoning code states that: “This zone is intended to provide land for the purpose of accommodating local commercial equestrian operations.” Intended is the key phrase, as there are actually no commercial equestrian facilities in the zone. 

This screen grab from Google Maps shows an almost entirely residential area with no commercial uses in this part of Anmore except for the Campground which is zoned C-2.

I had to do a quick Google search to make sure I was looking at the right area and referred back to the zoning map to double-check. Instead of horse stables and equestrian areas, it looks like there are a few 2-hectare single-family lots in the zone. Single-family homes are allowed here, so this is not surprising. There are horse-friendly trails nearby around Buntzen Lake, and it is plausible that these lots hold some horses privately. But the thing I cannot get over is why Anmore created an equestrian zone in the first place?

One last highlight is the parking requirements of the zone as well. Most larger municipalities have separate parking bylaws, but in this case, the C-3 zone has some outright rules. If commercial equestrian use ever comes to fruition, there shall be “1 parking space per every two horses made available to the public.”

Check out Anmore’s zoning bylaw here (C-3 is on page 49): https://anmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Zoning-Bylaw-Consolidated-Feb-2018.pdf

And as always check out our current zoning map of Metro Vancouver here: https://mountainmath.ca/zoning_map

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